SOY 101

Soy wax is a vegetable-based wax that provides a cleaner fragrance experience without toxins. It's a safer, better burn for you and also the environment.

Soy wax also has some unique characteristics to watch for, so here's what to expect with your candle(s):

  • Scent throw: We keep it simple and don't have fragrance boosters or other additives in our candles. We don't need them. But soy wax is not going to provide the same experience as a BBW or Yankee candle that will clean out your sinuses upon lighting (I still love you Marshmallow Fireside!) Instead, think of soy wax as the Olan Mills Soft Touch filter on your candle. It's a strong but softersmoother scent. In fact, that's why a lot of our customers stick with us. They prefer it that way.

  • Appearance: Soy wax can sometimes take on some quirky - BUT 100% safe - beauty marks. It's not uncommon for soy candles to "shrink" from the class in cold weather, or take on a cauliflower-like appearance (craters, bubbles, cracks or slight discoloration) after a burn session. This is perfectly normal, safe and will not impact the quality of your candle. It's aesthetics only.

  • Better with age: Like a fine wine, soy candles are better with age. It's not uncommon to find that your scent throw gets stronger with each burn too, the longer you have it.

For tips on how to safely maintain your fragrance, visit the Fragrance Care page.